Three of my friends - and so many women...

My three dear sisters. 
You told me about men who lack the sense of real intimacy and can't look into a woman's eyes. Who can't plan life together as they consider setting up a life - even without any sort of planning - to be their own privilege. Who substitute the sense of bonding with outer control, dictated by their own random choices.
And you my dears try to support. To follow. To be the only solid base during this earthquake. You stay because you trust them. Because you think about others just like you see yourself - they definitely want the best for all of us, they are honest. In your beautiful minds there's no place for concepts like selfishness, going towards the smaller opposition, using people, taking them for granted and so on.
You do it for years. For decades. You set aside your expectations about an ideal life, find explanations and excuses even for the unforgivable and just put out the fire every single day. The fire that would burn your home, that would harm your kids, that's threatening your reputation in the society and the one that burns from time to time between you two, just so that you know your place. You are the one who wake up the earliest, who sleep the latest, who talks to the teacher, the landlord, the neighbour, the officer, and everyone who has important questions and valid reasons to worry. But you go and make the differences meet, make the hard edges smooth so that life could go on, and it does, all because of your efforts. You make them believe that things are fine and by talking to them, you find comfort because for those minutes you believe it too.
But things are not fine.
And if you look back honestly, without the pink sunglasses you watched your life with in order for it to be bearable, it has never been so. It might have had fine moments, but it has never ever been the right thing. 
It's not because he didn't take it seriously. It's because this is his serious. This is his everyday standard. All that mess he is causing daily that you have been working tirelessly not to or at least to reduce the effect of to your everyday lives is his way to be.
My wonderful sisters. Just take your time. Listen to your deepest feelings and intuitions. Think about the times when you were happy. When you felt free. Connect with your inner voice. Find a point inside yourself where you are truly happy. Then it expand. Make connections with people who truly know you. Find the love of God and His blessings and rejoice in them. Let more and more of your life be affected by this joy.
And you will see your life change. You will see decisions that seemed to be impossible becoming the next natural step. Just walk your own path any way you wish. If it requires you to be strong and firm, you will find the strength for that.
And then one day you will breathe freely. That's going to be the first day of your real life. 


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