
Showing posts from July, 2022

Crying souls

More and more people I come across - and myself as well to a certain degree - experience deep emotional burnout. When you feel that nothing sparks your excitement. When you don't find anything that you really want. When nothing is interesting. More often than not, in the background of this feeling you have a profound sorrow. An unprocessed trauma, a disappointment in a person or in the course of life in general like a loss of a loved one. This disaster impacted your life to the core and has shaken your whole world   You may be questioning the whole outset of your life: what's the point of it then? There's no real answer, at least not an immediate one. As a result, you retreat from life and go into a numb state, sometimes on autopilot, just to survive the day.  You avoid big questions for fear of the void that they remain unanswered. Initially you perceive the whole world empty without the object of your loss but after the first shock you are still unable to ma...