
Showing posts from March, 2021

Acknowledging our state

Many times when I talk to people who suffered from dictatorial abuse, after they have been familiar with the problem itself, they blame themselves for their behaviour or actions, even though these are the direct consequences of the issue. They may say things like "I was so stupid putting myself last" or "how could I believe it to those who didn't understand me" and so on. Knowing now what would have been the best way then is already a great step forward. We also need to accept that at a particular point in the past we did not have the knowledge and ability to behave that way. We need to go back to our soul and understand the phase they were at the time.  Most probably they were still tied up blindfolded in the wet cellar. Could we question anyone in that state why they couldn't dance pirouettes? If we blame our soul, we will be on the side of the suppressors. They made the soul unable to do it right, then accuse them for it. Pure cruelty. What we can do inst...


Utazunk, felszáll a repülő - kívülről látjuk a házunkat Kellemetlen, mert látjuk a hibáit Felszabadító, mert látjuk, hogy nem a miénk az egyetlen Típus hibák, nem mi vagyunk az egyetlen.  Mérgező szülőkről szól egy egyébként nagyon hasznos könyv - de a legtöbb esetben inkább mérgezett szülőkről beszélhetünk. Igen, valószínűleg rajtuk keresztül jutott hozzánk sok negativitás, de ők is ebben részesültek, nem tudták volna máshogy csinálni.  Ha pedig a szülők részéről minden rendben van, ott van a mérgezett bölcsőde, óvoda, iskola, munkahely, utca, BKV, nyaralás…  Egy mondat a zsarnokságról "mert zsarnokság van az óvodákban, az apai tanácsban, az anya mosolyában, abban, ahogy a gyermek dadog az idegennek, ahogy, mielőtt súgtál, hátrafordultál, nemcsak a szögesdrótban, nemcsak a könyvsorokban szögesdrótnál is jobban bénító szólamokban;"...  Kv du. - Allahhal való kapcsolat - szeretet legmagasabb foka = "Imádat" Inkább ezt hangsúlyozzuk, mint a tiszteletet  Tisztelet ...

Freeing your soul

I understood the whole picture I guess... About heart and soul and the rest Your soul is you.  That was chained and blindfolded and closed into a cold and wet cellar. Not by your parents - I mean most probably they led you and chained you there, but not because they were bad people, just because they were slaves and were doing everything following orders. Their souls are also chained in other mouldy cellars and are most probably dead now - even if they are still around. The system they grew up in made slaves of them by depriving them of their ability to choose between right and wrong, to recognise the truth and everything that belongs to them. It killed their souls.  They were left crying hungry, wet and cold so they learned to neglect their senses. They are alien in their bodies.  They are not shown love, they were gaslit into believing that they were not lovable. That made them beg for love and acceptance in exchange for anything they had. They were made to feel that in...

Fears and finding my soul

More than twenty years ago I spent one of my most self defining years in Italy. I was a volunteer at a country hostel, helping a lot in the kitchen - that’s where I first learned to cook. I didn’t only learn the recipes but also that you need to add a pinch of love to every dish, as the cook was an extraordinary lady. Whoever she looked at, she saw their hearts. Once a guest entered the kitchen asking about lunch. They started talking and after two minutes, she told him the major events of her whole life in a nutshell. He left and I looked at her astonished. “How could you do that?” I asked. “What?” She didn’t quite understand what I found strange about her behaviour. Then I explained to her that my first thought about sharing anything about my life is that people would judge it, they would have negative opinions about it and about me in general. Now she was surprised. “Why would anyone think anything bad about you?” Then and there, being eighteen, drying my shrunken wings in the sun f...